Sunday, November 9, 2008

Being A Young Bonda & Loving It

I never thought that I would be a mom at the age of 26. I was married last year, December 15 and planned to have a baby next year...Kononnya I want to spend a year 'honeymooning' (ada ka itu perkataan?haha..) with my newly wedded hubby..

When I first learnt that there is a baby inside my womb, I was soooo not ready. I didn't know what to expect and how to react. It was after I went for checkups and saw the tiny little fella during the 'scanning session', I started to feel something.

Then after 5 month i felt the first movement from inside. I was so 'terkejut' and happy at the same time..That was the beginning. I can't wait to see my baby..I was soo active during my pregnancy. Jalan sana sini..Window shopping..until one day I bled. It was during my 35th weeks. I was admitted to PPUM and kene tahan for 2 weeks..wargh...sgt boring seyh...Made friends with few ladies there yg ade the same problem with me...placenta praevia. haiyoh..everyday we ate, watched tv, gossiping, read novels n magazines...

My EDD was 19 Oct so I decided to go back to my hometown and deliver my baby there at Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah but the doctor said that 5 hours journey from KL to Kedah would be dangerous for me and the baby. So, they suggested to me that I went for c-sect instead, 2 days before Hari Raya. And they promised me that I will be discharged on Hari Raya itself.

So..I agreed and tadaaa...a baby boy was born on 29th September 2008. I don't know whether to cry or laugh when the nurse brought the baby to me. So cute, so small..And I tgh sejuk mase I was like cannot think clearly..

The first few days I was so terkial-kial on how to handle the baby. How to clean the to hold the baby...and tempat operate tu hurt mom was there for me..sian my dad n adik2..diorang beraya without my mom this year..hehehe..which means no kuah ayam yang sedap itu...

As I am typing this, I have 1 more day to go before my pantang period is over. My progress with the baby? Let's just say I now can jaga my little Mohamad Uthman Waldan by myself..


E`n1x said...

wieh ur blog ni after the first post in 2008... second one in 2011???? ni kalah the term 'sawang' nih. bongoks!!!


Bonda Waldan said...

ahahaha...i am very bz ok...=p~