Sunday, November 9, 2008

Being A Young Bonda & Loving It

I never thought that I would be a mom at the age of 26. I was married last year, December 15 and planned to have a baby next year...Kononnya I want to spend a year 'honeymooning' (ada ka itu perkataan?haha..) with my newly wedded hubby..

When I first learnt that there is a baby inside my womb, I was soooo not ready. I didn't know what to expect and how to react. It was after I went for checkups and saw the tiny little fella during the 'scanning session', I started to feel something.

Then after 5 month i felt the first movement from inside. I was so 'terkejut' and happy at the same time..That was the beginning. I can't wait to see my baby..I was soo active during my pregnancy. Jalan sana sini..Window shopping..until one day I bled. It was during my 35th weeks. I was admitted to PPUM and kene tahan for 2 weeks..wargh...sgt boring seyh...Made friends with few ladies there yg ade the same problem with me...placenta praevia. haiyoh..everyday we ate, watched tv, gossiping, read novels n magazines...

My EDD was 19 Oct so I decided to go back to my hometown and deliver my baby there at Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah but the doctor said that 5 hours journey from KL to Kedah would be dangerous for me and the baby. So, they suggested to me that I went for c-sect instead, 2 days before Hari Raya. And they promised me that I will be discharged on Hari Raya itself.

So..I agreed and tadaaa...a baby boy was born on 29th September 2008. I don't know whether to cry or laugh when the nurse brought the baby to me. So cute, so small..And I tgh sejuk mase I was like cannot think clearly..

The first few days I was so terkial-kial on how to handle the baby. How to clean the to hold the baby...and tempat operate tu hurt mom was there for me..sian my dad n adik2..diorang beraya without my mom this year..hehehe..which means no kuah ayam yang sedap itu...

As I am typing this, I have 1 more day to go before my pantang period is over. My progress with the baby? Let's just say I now can jaga my little Mohamad Uthman Waldan by myself..